The International Dog Shows
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Did you know?

Bringing International Nationwide:

IABCA has held International Dog Shows in more than 50 North American cities in the past few years, including shows in more than 20 US states. We brought in judges from more than 8 different countries in recent years.

Welcome to IABCA & The International Dog Shows

Why show at IABCA conformation shows? What makes The International Dog Shows different?

  • All Dogs receive WRITTEN CRITIQUES from top American, Canadian, and other foreign judges. Have you ever wondered what the judge was thinking in the ring? Now you can know.
  • We strive for a relaxed, friendly, and flexible atmosphere. We get a lot of new exhibitors and they have a great time learning at our shows, getting advice and asking questions from our judges.
  • We bring International to you. Judges from USA, Canada, Australia, England, and all over the world are brought in to our shows. Many of our American judges have judged all over the world and bring that international experience to our shows. 
  • Dogs can earn International IABCA Titles with judges licensed from multiple countries (USA, Canada, Argentina, Serbia, Columbia, Sweden, Australia, Germany, and more).
  • Dogs are judged individually against the breed standard for their title points, not against other dogs (dogs can earn titles even if they are the only dog in the show of their breed).
  • A two or three judge panel judges each Best in Show category.
  • And much more...
IABCA Show Calendar

Upcoming Special Events


Special Features

    • Each weekend will feature an EXPRESS SHOW
    • Available as a 5th show each weekend. Dogs must be entered in all 4 shows to sign up for Express Show. Each dog can only add one Express Show.
    • Each dog is judged individually for a critique and opportunity to earn an Orange Card (point towards titles), no best of breed, etc.
    • Can be added when you enter, or at the show.

We've had to make some adjustments recently:

  • Entries are limited (limit depends on venue), first come-first serve
  • NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted.
  • Mailed in entries MUST BE POSTMARKED by 14 days before the show or they will not be accepted.
  • Please communicate via email ( whenever possible.
  • RULE CHANGE: NO DAY OF SHOW adding allowed. No changes or additions can be made at the show. Any changes to your entry must be made before show closing (eight days before the show). Express show can be available to add at the show (Saturday only and only for dogs entered in all 4 shows already).
  • We will not hand out armbands at the front desk. You will pick up your armband ringside at your first show for the weekend.
  • We will not be handing out folders (or participation certificates). Orange cards and critiques will be issued from each ring at time of judging and given to the exhibitor at that time (no need to bring any paperwork to the ring with you).
  • You must follow established ring procedures for entrance and exit.
  • When finished showing please leave the ring area.
  • You must familiarize yourself with all signage and on-site instructions.